
2021.09.22 (水) 18:22

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The oft-injured player spent over two weeks on the DL with a shoulder injury before returning to the lineup against the&nbsp;.
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He added a third hit on an RBI single in the fourth inning as part of an incredible return to the lineup. Unfortunately, Kemp did not finish the game after hurting himself while attempting to score. While the Dodgers won the game, 9-2, fans would likely trade the victory for a healthy superstar moving forward.
The good news is that this most recent injury does not appear to be serious. According to the Los Angeles Dodgers' Twitter account, manager Don Mattingly was positive after the game:
Don Mattingly: (Matt Kemp's) ankle has a little swelling. It looks like a sprain. I don't anticipate DL. He got treatment right [url=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/]latest sports jerseys[/url] away.
鈥?Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers)&nbsp;
At this time, no X-rays needed for Matt Kemp.
鈥?Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers)&nbsp;
On the other hand, David Vassegh of Fox Sports LA Radio had a different opinion after the game:
Just watching Kemp walk around clubhouse, he can put hardly any pressure on his ankle
鈥?David Vassegh (@THEREAL_DV)&nbsp;
There is plenty of reason to be concerned for all those involved. Kemp has only played 61 games this season after missing 56 games last season with various injuries.
When healthy, the outfielder is one of the best all-around players in baseball. He finished the 2011 season with 39 home runs, 126 RBI and 40 stolen bases to go with a .324 batting average. However, health issues have hindered his play ever since, and he was only batting .254 coming into Sunday's contest.
With the Dodgers looking to contend in the NL West for [url=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/site_map.html]nfl jerseys site map[/url] the rest of the year, they will need Kemp to be at his best going forward.
Follow Rob Goldberg on Twitter for the latest breaking news and analysis.

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